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英语介绍自己? 怎样培养自己的英语思维?



I am a girl.My name is Zhang Lin.I like sing song.



1.增加英语输入 英语思维的养成不是一朝一夕的,而我们能输出的单词和表达又十分有限,所以每天最好保持2-3个小时的英语学习。听起来时间很长,但是学习方式可以是灵活的,可以读英文读物,看美剧,听英文广播等。

2.频繁使用英语的频率 每天尽可能抓住一切机会去使用英语,比如每小时花几分钟看一些英语公众号的文章、英语新闻和视频等,看完用英语评论留言;也可以用英语记录分享你的所见所闻,制定未来计划,to-do-list等。 当然你可以更狠一些,比如,把手机的默认语言改成英语:

3.根据现有的词汇量,想到什么说什么 在中文中,我们可以用各种各样的词汇来表达想法和情感,但用英语来表达就很有限,所以尽量用最简单的词汇来表达想法。 随着英语水平不断提高,你可以增加新的概念,但要习惯于根据掌握的词汇来表达,否则又要倒退到用中文翻译成自己想说的英文了。

4.词组记忆 我们的大脑习惯于模式匹配,容易记住具体情境中的信息。所以不要单独地去记单词,而是要学习单词之间如何搭配,记一些惯用词组和习语表达,才能说出地道的英语口语。

5.找一个老外语伴 你会更习惯于用英语来应对真实情境,同时英语提高得更快。


When they think of "Uncle McDonald", they naturally think of McDonald's hamburger, fish wicker bag, French fries ... these delicious dishes.


Hi, boys and girls, good morning, it is my plearsure to take this change to introduce myself, my name is Lihua, I am p old.

About my family, there are 4 people in my family, father, mother, brother and me, my father and mother are all very kind, welcome you to visit my family if you have time!


my name is XXXI, XX years old, from XXI, majoring in English, because I have the talent of learning language. In my opinion, English is known all over the world. If I can speak fluent English, I can travel around the world without language barrier.

Now I can speak English like Americans, and I always envy my spoken English


  Hello, my name is John. I am a 25-year-old man from New York City.

  I am a software engineer by profession and I specialize in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

   I am fluent in English and Spanish and I love to learn new languages. I also enjoy reading, playing soccer, and spending time with my family. 

  Thank you for taking the time to get to know me.




1. 引起兴趣:用一个吸引人的标题或问句来引起受众的好奇心,让他们停下来阅读下去。

2. 突出差异化:突出产品或服务的独特卖点,强调与竞争对手不同的特点,为您赢得更多关注。

3. 创造情感共鸣:通过讲述故事、使用情感词汇或展示真实的用户体验,与受众建立情感联系,使他们能够共鸣并产生共鸣。

4. 诱导行动:明确告诉受众您希望他们采取的行动,比如购买产品、注册服务、拨打电话或访问网站等。

5. 简洁明了:使用简洁但有力的语言来表达您的信息,确保受众能够快速理解您的核心信息。






My idol is Jason, a singer with an ordinary name and family, but amazing experience and perseverance.

Many people ask me why I like Jason, which is almost crazy. On the one hand, of course, it is because he sings well, has feelings, and can be deeply rooted in people's hearts.

On the other hand, it is his courage and perseverance. It itself is a healthy and positive brand, and a kind of fairness can be found in him, that is, fate rewards success for those who stick to the end.

It is precisely because of my worship of Jason and my different love for Jason that I have the enterprising spirit. I want to be as courageous, persevering, filial, honest, kind and humble as him. Do your job conscientiously, make progress every day, and strive for your future.


I saw a restaurant. He was in the center of our village.