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帮我做一些英语改错题 最好能说明原因


1 I prefer walking to cycle.cycle 应该改为cycling.因为prefer doing sth to doing sth 是固定用法.

2 Nearly nobody could work it out.nearly nobody应该改为Few people,表示几乎没有人,英语中习惯用这种表达方法.

3 These numbers are amounted to 1000.These numbers are 改为This number is,应该是这个数字或数量达到了1000.

4 It appears we will win the match.appears后面加上that,固定用法it appears that.

5 I don't konw if he will e or not.if改为whether,只有whether or not 是固定搭配.

6 I don't doubt whether he can pass the examination.whether应该改为that,因为主句中用的是doubt的否定形式,那么只能用that引导宾语从句.

7 Mr Smith as well as i are to be praised for that.are应该改为is,因为句子中有as well as连接两个主语时,谓语动词的形式应该根据前面那个主语的变化而确定.

8 It is easier said than doing.said应该改为saying,say 与 do 用于比较,所以它们的形式要对应.

9 The football game plays in the playground every Tuesday.plays应改为is played,因为足球比赛与play之间是一种被动关系.

10 Edisons father asked him why he wanted a lab for.why应改为the reason that,why不能与介词for搭配,只能是the reason why,或者是for the reason that.(此题中是把for放到后面去了.)

11 I was sure if she would pass the exam.if改为that,因为主句中说了我肯定,所以后面只能用that.

12 I dont doubt whether he will e.don't doubt表示不怀疑,也就是肯定的意思,所以后面只能与that搭配.

13 I am not sure that it will be fine tomorrow.that应该改为whether,因为主句表示不肯定,所以后面要用whether表示是否的意思.

14 Go straightly.,the teacher said to the students.straightly 应该改为straight,go straight是固定用法表示向前直走的意思.

15 He is well-konwn for a pop singer.for 应该改为as,他是作为一个歌手非常出名,而不是为了一个歌手.

16 It is a few minutes ride from here.minutes 应改为minutes',因为是说几分钟的骑车路程.

17 The book is of great helpful.helpful改为help,of+名词相当于形容词,此题中of great help就相当于very helpful.

18 Well play football in the playground instead in the garden.instead后面要加of,instead of 表示取而代之的是,代替的意思.

19 He is friendly with me.with改为to,friendly to表示对某人很友好的意思.

20 The man pushed the door as hardly as he could in a hurry.hardly改为hard,hardly是表示几乎不的意思,hard在这里表示猛烈的这个意思.

21 If your friends will point out your mistakes he will be your real friend.把will去掉,主句用将来时,则从句要用一般现在时,这就是主将从现原则.

22 No matter how hard it could be,the work must do by 10 today.do改为be done,因为工作是被做完,所以要用被动形式.

23 Mother not went to bed until the child got back home.not went要改为had not gone,相对于got back这个过去动作,妈妈的动作只能用过去完成时.

24 It is such a bored book.I dont think i'll read on.bored改为boring,bored表示某人感到厌烦的,而boring表示令人烦躁的,枯燥无味的意思.

25 Those learn not only from books but also through practice will succeed.those后面要加who,those后面接的是一个定语从句,要用who来连接.

26 The big tree has cut before we built the house.cut前面要加been,树是被砍掉,所以要用被动形式.

27 Such a thing has never been heard before.heard后面要加of,be heard of 表示听说的意思.

28 It's too noisy outside ,you'd better turn down the radio.down 改为 up,turn up表示把声音开大的意思.

29 Please take your time.keep on studying hard,and you'll keep up your clas *** ates.keep up 后面要加上with,keep up with 表示赶上某人的意思.

30 How heavy rain we have had.How改成what,what heavy rain相当于how heavy the rain.

31 The novel,that i read last month,is very interesting.that 改成which,which才能引导非限制性定语从句.

32 He can't do it with himself,which is quite clear.with改成by,by oneself自己去做.

33 The desk which i put my book has been away.which前面加上on,我是把书放在桌子上,所以on which在从句中作状语.