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at school at a school区别?


一、at school at a school区别?

区别是:at school比较常用,指在学校,包括抽象的动作,比如学习。at a school不常用,而且比较具体,在一个学校里面,强调地点。

例句辨析:at school1、He was disciplined at school for talking back to the teacher.他因为和教师顶嘴受到了处分。

2、Each child had participated in extracurricular activities at school.每个孩子都参加了学校的课外活动。

3、Is the child at school?这孩子上学了吗?

at a school

1、Neil had been at a prize giving ceremony at a school in Birmingham.尼尔之前在伯明翰的一所学校参加颁奖仪式。

2、The telephone rings in the principal's office at a school.校长办公室里的电话铃响了起来。

二、on school​ , in school , at school有什么区别?

in school 主要强调的是 在学校里上学

at school 强调的是 在学校

on school 没有这种用法

三、at school in the school的区别?

at school是指在上学。如:Wendy owns a computer company, although she is still at school.虽然Wendy仍然在上学,她己经拥有了一家自己的电胸公司。

in the school是个地点概念,与在不在上学没有关系。如:There is a big playground in the school.在学校里有一个大操场。

四、in the school和at school区别?

at school=in school在学校(特指学生在校学习)in the school=at the school 在学校,只是指明了一个事发地点而已,

in the school是在学校里(不一定是求学)

at the school在学校(出于除上学外的事情在学校)

五、in a school和in the school区别?

1、in the school=: 表示在学校里面,一个具体的概念,相当于at the school。


①There're 8 hundred students in the school.


②There're lots of trees in the school.


2、in school:通常表示,在学校接受教育/在上学,一个抽象概念,与at school意思相同。


①Smart kids tend on balance to do well in school.


②The day after our conversation, Hanna wanted to know what I was learning in school.




①They get a lot of attention from their parents and generally do well in school.


②Conditions are good in school. It's inexcusable not to study hard.


③This happensto me all the time in the school library.


六、at school和at the school的区别?

at school指的是学生在学校上课。at the school是指“在某一所具体的学校”,可以是在那所学校上班或者从事其他活动,不一定是要上学。at school也可泛指,而in the school则特指某一所学校。

at school例句:

It's really nice,as you can tell,to be at a school in such a great location。所以,学校能够在这么好的一个位置是很值得高兴的。

What do you think is the most important thing that parents should teach kids to be prepared to listen to teachers at school?你觉得什么是家长最应该教给孩子,让以便他们能做好准备在学校里听老师教导?

at the school例句:

Have you come to register at the school?你来学校注册了吗?

I thought I'd enrol you with an art group at the school。我想我会吸收你参加学校的一个艺术团。

I want my son to wear the same clothes as everyone else at the school。我想让儿子和学校里其他人穿得一样。

七、at school day 还是on school day?

on school day,例如:

1.On school day, what is the maximum speed through school zones in the city town or villages?在城市内上学日,在穿过校区地带时,最高的时速是多少?

2.Ironed shirts on a school day.在上学的日子穿熨烫整洁的衬衣。

3.On the school opening day, I rose up very early, earlier than usual, because I was greatly excited to see my new school.开学那一天,我很早起身,比平常时还早,因为我很兴奋的要看看我的新学校。

八、in school和at school的区别?

一、in的后面接“一个房间或一个建筑物”来表达在“具体的某一个空间之内,这时in 的后面经常加“冠词”。

例子1:I am in the school canteen. 我在学校的餐厅里。(这时你表达的是:你在学校的某一个具体的建筑物里(餐厅里)。)

例子2:There is a playground,a canteen, a library and a building in the school. 在这个学校有一个操场,一个餐厅,一个图书馆和一栋大楼

二、in school表示“正在接受某种教育或学习某个课程的过程中,我们通常表达为“(在)上学”是一种“抽象概念”,而不是在“具体的校园里”。

例子1:How can he be the CEOof a tech company? He is still in school.他现在还在上学呢。 他怎么能会是一家高科技公司的CEO?

这里的in school 指的是“在学习的过程中(抽象概念),而不是在某个校园里。”

例子2:He has two daughters in school and two younger children at home .他的两个女儿在上学和更小的两个孩子还在家里。

这里的in school“上学”指的就是“在学校里接受教育”的含义。

at school 中的at 表达的是“整个校园的含义,它包括:操场、餐厅、自行车库和图书馆等,只要是属于学校的地方都涵盖在内。 在这个校园内所做的任何活动都可以用“at school”表达。


九、It is time for school还是It is time to school?

应该是It's time for school.意思是该去上学的时候了。在这个句型中,如果用for,后边接的应该是名词,意思是该干什么的时间了。比如:It's time for supper.(该吃晚饭的时候了)。

如果说It's time to do,后边应该接动词,意思一样。比如It's time to begin our class.(该上课的时候了)。

十、he teaches at school还是in school?
