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下面是一个关于吃饭的英语口语对话。学习外语口语是很重要的,因为能够帮助我们更好地沟通交流,下面这个英语口语对话可以帮助我们在吃饭时更加流畅自如地与外国友人交流。A: Would you like something to eat?(你想吃点东西吗?)B: Yes, I'm starving.(是的,我饿死了)A: How about we go out for some burgers?(我们去外面吃汉堡怎么样?)B: Sounds good to me!(听起来不错!)








Hello,Everyone.I studied in NanJing University and my major is Landscape Design. Four-years-study offers me the chance to develop my academic and practical capabilities, for example, news planning and reporting.


I'm a senior from NancJing University. I'm a huge fan of reading. Books never fail to fascinate me and never cease to surprise me. I am so obsessed with Shakespeare's novels, so I determined to learn English well.


I come from Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang province. It is a gorgeous place for West Lake. Residents there just enjoy their life and get inspired of very single beautiful moment. Welcome to my hometown to feel our hospitality and generosity.


A: Hi, how are you doing?B: I'm good, thanks for asking. How about you?A: I'm fine, thanks. What have you been up to lately?B: Well, I've been busy with work and everything, but good busy. I've also been going to the gym regularly.A: That's great! I should start doing that too. What do you usually do at the gym?B: I do a mix of cardio and strength training. I find it really helps me to stay fit and healthy.A: I'm sure it does. I should probably start doing some cardio too. Do you have any favorite exercises?B: I really like running on the treadmill and doing weights. They're both challenging but also really rewarding.A: I'll have to give them a try. Thanks for the suggestions!B: No problem. I'm sure you'll enjoy them.


Hello, my name is AnZiYi. From China. Nice to meet you all. I hope to be good friends with everyone. The six of us can always be good friends. We should love each other. We have to protect each other.


A: Take me off.A: Where did you travel, Tony?B: I'm going to the Great Wall with my parents.C: Oh, that must be amazing.



He,how are you?

thank you!

How long would you like to stay in these cities?

May I have a map?

OK. Excuse me. May I ask where we are now?

I'm afraid I have lost my way. Where can I take a bus if I want to go back to the downtown?


A: Hi, John.B: Hi, Mary. How have you been?A: Pretty good. You?B: Same here. What have you been up to lately?A: I've just been catching up on some work. How about you?B: Just hanging out and relaxing.


1、你好 hello

2、没问题 no problem

3、就这样吧 that‘s all

4、别担心 don’t worry

5、这是你的吗? is this yours

6、给你 here you are

7、别紧张 take it easy

8、别客气 help yourself

9、保持联系 keep in touch

10、太离谱了 it is going too far




A: What do you do for a living?

B: I'm a software engineer. How about you?

A: I work in marketing at a tech company.


A: Have you been on any trips recently?

B: Yes, I just got back from a trip to Japan. It was amazing.

A: That sounds great! What was your favorite part of the trip?

B: I loved trying all the delicious food and exploring the temples.


A: What do you like to do in your free time?

B: I enjoy hiking and playing guitar.

A: That's cool. Have you been on any good hikes lately?

B: Yeah, I went on a beautiful hike in the mountains last weekend.


A: Do you have any siblings?

B: Yes, I have a younger brother and an older sister. How about you?

A: I'm an only child.


A: What did you study in college?

B: I majored in English literature. And you?

A: I studied psychology.


A: What kind of music do you like?

B: I listen to a lot of indie rock and folk music. How about you?

A: I'm a big fan of hip-hop and R&B.


A: Do you follow sports at all?

B: Yeah, I'm a big basketball fan. Who's your favorite team?

A: I don't really follow sports, but my husband is a big fan of the Lakers.


A: Have you seen any good movies lately?

B: Yeah, I just saw the new Marvel movie and it was really good. Have you seen it?

A: No, I haven't had a chance to see it yet.