六级英语听力答案2021? 2021英语六级听力答案?
1.They kept looking for the best place to stay.
2.They had a great time sightseeing and relaxing.
3.They met a great number of tourists from other countries.
4.They managed to visit a different city each day.
5.Prioritize what is essential to their best advantage.
1.They are a useless tool for managers to change employee behaviour.
2.They prove to be a good means for managers to give instructions.
3.They should be reserved for urgent communication.
4.They are seldom used for sharing confidential data.
5.It can be rather risky.
1.How powerless humans appear to be in face of natural diseaters.
2.How the negative impacts of natural diseaters can be reduced.
3.Pay back their loans to the American government .
4.Provide loans to those in severe financial difficulty.
5.Fresh air.
1.It diminishes laymen 's interest in science.
2.It radically tranformed the state's economy.
3.It totally destroyed the state's rural landscape.
4.There was oil leakage along the Gulf Coast.
5.They tend to disbelieve the actual science.
6.It was fruitful.
1.Tombs of ancient rulers.
2.It is hardly associated with great civilizations.
3.It carries about one fifth of the world's fresh water.
4.The search for tranquility has become a trend.
5.They pose a threat to the local ecosystem.
6.Their distinctions are artificial.
1.Daydreams did better than non-daydreamers in task performance.
2.They can become less motivated to do projects of their own.
3.It was written,directed,edited and produced
by Frankie himself.
4.It may harm the culture of today's workplace.
5.Infants behaviours.
《剑桥》有两个系列丛书组成,共有六级。New Interchange系列包括四个级别. Passages系列包括两个级别。是New Interchange 的后续高级教程. New Interchange 分别是初级 :针对没有英语基础的“真正”的初学者。讲解基础语法结构、词汇、语言功能。
三级:针对中级水平的学习者,培养学习者用比较流利准确的英语进行交际的能力。四级/五级:针对中高级水平的英语学习者,更好的培养学生英语的流利性和准确性。 教材很好 每一集都有适合的人.
Reading:建议先做剑桥8,主要是Test3和Test4 有关收集蚂蚁样本和有关杀虫剂使用的那几篇阅读较难; 随后再做剑9,主要是是剑9四个阅读题的难度均衡。 4567还是看看有没有时间吧,题型过老,估计没什么做的必要。 Listening : 集中做剑桥8Test 4 ( 还是Test3) 有一个街道地图配对, 还有一个section 4 关于澳大利亚土著文化Australian aboriginal 岩画类的听力,个人以为剑桥8这两篇听力偏难。 Writing: 剑桥8 Test
1 task 1 精练,主要是学习两个图如何建立联系; task
2 注意练练审题, 那篇题目 关于how to be a good member of society , 很容易被忽略。剑桥5 地图小作文 精练, 剑桥6 蚕产丝流程图精练, 剑桥9 关于美国能源曲线的那个小作文精练。 总之, 只练有考官范文的题目就行了, 其他没有范文的题目就免了。 楼主最好有剑桥10,2014年整年雅思比较变态,毕竟4-9有一段时间了。 加油, 祝你好运!
1. 首先,考生需要在规定时间内入场,迟到的考生是不被允许进入考场的。
2. 然后,试音时间开始,这是为了确保所有考生的耳机声音清晰、适中。
3. 接下来,考试正式开始,考务人员会发放答题卡1和答题卡2以及试题册。需要注意的是,在听力部分开始前,试题册是不允许翻阅的。
4. 听力部分开始后,考生需要根据听到的内容从四个选项中选择最佳答案。在听力过程中,如果遇到听不懂或者错过的部分,不要慌张,可以适时调整,根据上下文推测可能的答案。
5. 听力结束后,答题卡会被收回。