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As your coach(私人教练,指导教师) and friend, I can assure(使确信,使放心,向。。。保证)

you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand. You must do your part(部分,本分,职责)

. You must faithfully(忠诚的)

follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan; you must never quit(离开,退出,停止,放弃)

and you must never fear. I know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed! Now stand firm and


Trying to learn the humor of cross talk(相声)。为什么相声让你着迷,去学习它?


  There are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in English. By doing this, we can improve ore talking and listening skill. Secondly, we should try to listen to all kinds of English programmes as much as possible. In this way, we can gradually improve our pronunciation. Thirdly, we should often read English books. When we come across a new word. We should guess its meaning through the contest first. Then look it up in the dictionary to have a check. I thin, it is a good way of reading. Fourthly, we should practice our writing skills. Whenever we have any idea, we should get the pen and write it down at once. It is very important to avoid writing in Chinese way and using the Chinese grammar.

  As long as we listen, speak, read and write more, we are sure to make remarkable progress!




Study has been the indispensable part of our life. For some people, study means to learn knowledge from school, which for others, they believe that study is happening all the time, which is not limited in the regular learning. I believe that if we keep thinking, we are studying. Study brings us the valuable things. The most important thing is critical thinking. When we are babies, we get to know the world by imitating. But as we grow up, we will have our own opinion about the world. A complete person will not follow the crowd, who can figure out the truth and fake. Study also brings us a bigger world. The more we read, the farther distance we can reach. A person is easy to be stuck in the current difficulty, but if he can see the beauty of life, he will adjust himself and be positive to life.




1. I'd like to suggest that...


2. In my opinion,...


3. If I were you, I would...


4. You'd better do.../not do...


5. It's necessary for you to read some books about these places before you come to see them with your own eyes. With more knowledge about these places, you will have a better understanding of Chinese history and culture.

在你来亲眼看到这些地方之前,你 有必要读一些关于这些地方的书。有了关于这些地方更多的知识,你将会更好的理解中国的历史和文化。


举例如下: It is always better to mend the differences than to worsen the situation because of greater differences


Different people have different views about...(不同的人对某事物有不同的看法)

2. As for the matter of ..., people's views vary from person to person. (对于某个事情,人们的 观点各不一样)

3. Nowadays, there have been heated discussions on the issue of ...(最近,针对什么问题有着非 常激烈的讨论)

4. Some people are strongly in favor of it while others are against it firmly. In my eyes, ...(有人强烈赞同也有人坚决反对。在我眼中,...)


1. The following reasons may well justify my judgement. (下面的几点原因将很好地证明我的判断)

2. It is true that....,but...(虽然...是个事实,但是...)

3. My personal experience is just a case in point. (我的亲身经历就是一个很好的例证)

4. Compared with A, B is obviously...(和A相比,B明显的..)末段总结论点常用句型:

5. From the analysis above, we can draw a safe conclusion that...(从以上的分析,我们完全可以得出这样的结论)

6. For the reasons mentioned above, it is not difficult to find that...(从以上原因就不难看出...)


首段:Different people have different opinions about___________ . (介绍话题背景) Some people hold that___________ while others argue that___________ . (引出他人观点做铺垫) In my opinion,___________ .


Personal Statement

I graduated from univeristy. I want to establish my career in Wuhan, as I have set up my home here and will live here for a long time.

I am very healthy and didn't ask for any sick leave during my university years. I behaved very well in university, without any violation of school rules or school regulations. I am a diligent, energetic young man. I have a strong and firm fundamental of my speciality. I worked hard at univeristy and I was one of the top students with outstanding grades.

I am ready to help others when they need help,and I enjoy working with others cooparatively.

Take me and I will certainly return you a pleasant surprise.


Dear friend,

  I am delighted to write this letter to recommend a city for you. I know that you have a strong desire to teach English in recent days. I suppose when you read this letter, you must be satisfied about what I recommend.

  I would like to share with you some detailed information about it. The first city flashing in my mind is Beijing, the capital of China. Additionally, young people in expanding number in Beijing begin to improve the awareness of English learning. They admit that having a good command of English plays a key role in personal growth and future career. As a consequence, I am sure that you will have a lot of chances to teach English.

  Thank you for spending time reading this letter and I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. Good luck to you with all aspects of life.