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How does that schedule sound to you?你觉得这样安排可以吗?


Passport 护照 fill out 填写 reservation 预定 reception 接待处 be booked solid已经被预订满

compare notes on 探讨研究 sort out one‘s schedule安排工作日程 make changes进行修改


I’ll show you to your hotel?我带你去宾馆

Have you got ang ID?你带了证件吗?

I have finished the check-in procedure.我已经办妥了住宿登记手续


Do you have other plan tonight?你今晚有其他的计划吗?

When is it convenient for you to meet?你什么时候方便见面?


Here is the schedule for tomorrow.这是你明天的行程。

There will be some evenings for you to arrange freely, that is, if it is all right with you.如果你们愿意,我们将会留几晚的时间供你们自由支配


A: Hi, how are you doing?B: I'm good, thanks for asking. How about you?A: I'm fine, thanks. What have you been up to lately?B: Well, I've been busy with work and everything, but good busy. I've also been going to the gym regularly.A: That's great! I should start doing that too. What do you usually do at the gym?B: I do a mix of cardio and strength training. I find it really helps me to stay fit and healthy.A: I'm sure it does. I should probably start doing some cardio too. Do you have any favorite exercises?B: I really like running on the treadmill and doing weights. They're both challenging but also really rewarding.A: I'll have to give them a try. Thanks for the suggestions!B: No problem. I'm sure you'll enjoy them.


A: Hi, John.B: Hi, Mary. How have you been?A: Pretty good. You?B: Same here. What have you been up to lately?A: I've just been catching up on some work. How about you?B: Just hanging out and relaxing.




A: What do you do for a living?

B: I'm a software engineer. How about you?

A: I work in marketing at a tech company.


A: Have you been on any trips recently?

B: Yes, I just got back from a trip to Japan. It was amazing.

A: That sounds great! What was your favorite part of the trip?

B: I loved trying all the delicious food and exploring the temples.


A: What do you like to do in your free time?

B: I enjoy hiking and playing guitar.

A: That's cool. Have you been on any good hikes lately?

B: Yeah, I went on a beautiful hike in the mountains last weekend.


A: Do you have any siblings?

B: Yes, I have a younger brother and an older sister. How about you?

A: I'm an only child.


A: What did you study in college?

B: I majored in English literature. And you?

A: I studied psychology.


A: What kind of music do you like?

B: I listen to a lot of indie rock and folk music. How about you?

A: I'm a big fan of hip-hop and R&B.


A: Do you follow sports at all?

B: Yeah, I'm a big basketball fan. Who's your favorite team?

A: I don't really follow sports, but my husband is a big fan of the Lakers.


A: Have you seen any good movies lately?

B: Yeah, I just saw the new Marvel movie and it was really good. Have you seen it?

A: No, I haven't had a chance to see it yet.


1、你好 hello

2、没问题 no problem

3、就这样吧 that‘s all

4、别担心 don’t worry

5、这是你的吗? is this yours

6、给你 here you are

7、别紧张 take it easy

8、别客气 help yourself

9、保持联系 keep in touch

10、太离谱了 it is going too far



Hi, what's up? 

Nothing much. What about you? 

So so. 


Can I take your order now? 

Yes,  please.  I would like beef noodle. A cup of coke. 


 1. A: Excuse me, is a library nearby?

  B: Yes,there is a library between the drugstore and the post office.

  A: Thank you very much.

  B: You are welcome.


 2. Michael: Hi,Susan!

  Susan: Hi, Michael. How are you feeling today?

  Michael: Very well. How are you?

  Susan: So so.

  Michael: What's wrong?

  Susan: I have a sore throat.





Hi,can you help me? I need new clothes for my vacation!


I need a short ,red dress and big, black boots.

Need something else?

No,  thank you. Bye!

Bye,  See you!


1.May I have a customs declaration form, please? 请给一份海关申报表好吗?

2.Could you explain how to fill this out? 请你说明一下怎样填这张表好吗?

3.Do you have anything to declare? 你有东西要申报关税吗?

4.I have nothing to declare. 我没有要申报的东西。


English conversation for shopping.

Shop assistant: Hello customer, how can I help you?

Customer: Hello, I'm looking for a winter coat.

Shop assistant: We have a lot of new models, please come and have a look. What style do you like?

Customer: I would like a camel colour, not too long, just warm.

Shopper: Take a look at this one, it's just the right coat for you. It's only $200 and we'll give you a free belt if you get a membership today.

Customer: Well, that's a good one, so please give me an average size, I'll check out and get another membership card.

Shopper: Thank you for your patronage.