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Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money, it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative efforts, the joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits.

These dark days, my friends, will be worth all they cost us, if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered on to , but to minister to ourselves, to our fellow men.






几年前, 陕西青年佘(shé)世军告别山村父老乡亲,到山西一个小铁矿当矿工。因为他干活认真,为人老实,老板十分喜欢他,不久就让他当了小工头。佘世军在那一干就是六年,挣下了几万元。‖

前年,佘世军拿出3万元血汗钱,承包一个小铁矿,当上了老板,准备大干一场,挣(zhēng zhèng)些钱回去改变老家的落后面貌。

佘世军没文化,连自己的名字也写不好,跟别人签(qiān qiàn)约也只能请人代笔,便不会算帐(zhāng zhàng),做预算,只会模仿以前那老板的样子去干。

由于经营不善,才干了半年,就亏了不少钱。最后,只好忍痛把小铁矿关闭了。佘世军深有感触(chù zhù)地说:“我当老板只会在考勤表上打‘√’、画‘×’的,怎能不失败呢?”








Eating is important for our health.So let me tell you about the food that l eat in a day.

ln this morning,l ate an egg,a bread and also a cup of milk.l think it's good for my health. Later,my mom came back and bought a fish from the market,so l had the fish soup for lunch.The fish soup is quite delicious! Also,l ate a bowl of rice.After lunch,l ate a lot of apples,l think apples are good for our health,and apples are my favorite fruit too.

In the evening,we had a big meal,We had a turkey for dinner,that was fantastic!And my father cooked tomato noodles for our family.I had a cake after dinner,it tastes so sweet,and i like it very much!


Today is National Day.We have no classes. In the morning, I went to the People's Park with my mother.We had a good time. In the afternoon, I helped my parents to cook supper.I had a busy day today. 今天是国庆节,我们没有课,早上,我和妈妈去了人民公园,我们玩得很开心,下午,我帮父母做晚饭,我过了忙碌的一天


软件很多,但是都没有代入感,建议从这几点学习口语。首先:要让孩子在生活中也能自然而然的融入到英语的环境中。英语是一种语言,它源于生活,并用于生活。能学以致用孩子会有很大的成就感,会激发更多的学习兴趣。其次:丰富学习的途径。比如可以使用绘本学习,精美的英文绘本对孩子学习外语有很大帮助,孩子喜欢的绘本内容配上英文对话,家长一边给孩子讲故事内容,一边读给孩子听,或是大人一句小孩一句,不知不觉中,孩子掌握的东西就越来越多了。同时父母可以配合孩子在常见的食物或物品上写上相对应的英文单词,平时父母有意识地指着单词读给孩子听,他会更容易掌握这些单词的拼写,形成好的英语学习习惯。如果有机会,可以参考rocky english老师的方法。


读小驴儿的理想有感利芷欣读了>这篇文章,我懂地了不能光说不做.这篇文章的主人公是一头光说不做的小驴儿,他叙述 了这样的一件寓言故事:一头小驴儿,梦想着盖一件十分大的房子.可许多...


Shenzhen is a sub-provincial city of Guangdong province in southern People's Republic of China, situated next to Hong Kong.

Shenzhen is a center of foreign investment and since the late 1970s has been one of the fastest growing cities in the world. It is also the busiest port in China after Shanghai.

In the past two decades, outsiders have invested more than $30 billion in Shenzhen for building factories and forming joint ventures.Shenzhen is situated in the subtropical part of China, located at about the Tropic of Cancer.

The weather is generally pleasant in Shenzhen, temperate and mild in the autumn; there is a bit of cool breeze in the winter, but it is just warm enough to do anything.

Shenzhen boasts large shopping malls, including Coco Park, MixC, and Kingglory, which carry luxury retailers such as Seibu, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Armani. For everyday purchases, citizens go to Dongmen and SEG Plaza.

Shenzhen is home to the world's ninth tallest building, the Shun Hing Square (Diwang Building).

The second tallest building in Shenzhen is SEG Plaza at a height of 356 meters (292 meters to roof-top). It is located in the commercial and shopping district of Hua Qiang Bei .

According to Emporis, Shenzhen is ranked ninth in the world in terms of highrise buildings, and fifth best city skyline in the world.

Welcome to Shenzhen!